Tuesday, November 20, 2007

continuing the walk

We spotted these fancy Converse shoes in a men's store window. Richt across street there is our local Monoprix. This store is aware of environmental issues, will discontinue free plastic bags in 2 years, will recycle your batteries for you, has bio cotton clothing, and more. The street was very lively with people walking, bicyclists, the carousel by the Metro entrance...I love the way the damp sidewalk reflects the lights and everything glows. We stopped for a baguette, some wine and a homeopathic remedy for me. We also found Bon Maman fig (figue) preserves, which we can never find at home. And a happy find for me, my face cream, yay! It's cheaper to buy it here than at home! So far, it's the only thing less expensive. Have I mentioned how expensive it is here for Americans?

1 comment:

Mica said...

Cool Cons! Sorry it's a costly trip this time around. But really who needs to buy stuff anyways? I typically swear off shopping from Oct-Jan. Really, shopping in NYC this time of year would give anyone a panic attack!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...