Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Rubber Stamped Mail Art

Having fun with my rubber stamps again.  I was using these to write my PostcardstoVoters. I felt the need to create some Mail Art using the stamps.
 With this card, I did a not so great job with the two stamp set of the bird. Not a good registration. It's one of the stamps that I got at Le Tampographe Sardon in Paris last October. I have to practice using it more.
The little airplane comes from Le Tampographe, also. I think this one is very effective in terms of the spatial effect of the planes overhead.
These two aren's as successful spatically, I think. And the red stamp pad was falling apart so I got globs of red which over went over with another letter. They're okay but not as successful as the first one. I'll do more of these probably.

What do you think? Should I keep on with the theme? Or play with something else?

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

More Patterns

 My latest thoughts on these patterns, digital collages, is that I'd like to maybe print them and see how they hold up.

What do you think?

Square format, by the way, is because I'm using the Layout App on my iPhone.

Friday, January 11, 2019


I started playing around with the Layout App on my phone for the first time on a flight home from somewhere, maybe Mexico. I was totally taken by the possibilites of making patterns. Collages in a different way, cut and paste in a different way.

Since that first times, I've played around with lots of my images to see how I can change them so that you can either see
what I was working with clearly, or the
original image is so changed you have no
idea what it was.
I've been finding this to be very meditative.

And I was especially happy to see them changed by being enlarged, printed, and hung up along a street in Kathmandu, during the most recent MicroGalleries event.
Sometimes, I think I'd like to create fabrics using these patterns, or wall paper.

What do you think? Other uses for them?

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...