Sunday, December 19, 2010

#15 of 365

color experiment with blue bird
Now I can show you card #15, since the recipient has e-mailed that it was received. I sent this to my artist amiga in Chicago. I've known her a loooong time and wanted her to be surprised, and since she reads my blog, I wanted to wait until this little bird had arrived.

I'm having fun trying out color experiments. They don't always work but I like them anyway. I like the way the bird appears to be looking at the green area.


Barbara said...

WOW! So cool to see "my" card on your blog! Love that card. And it brings back memories of Mr. Markman's color class at SAIC...
gracias, chica! Keep up the great neat that it's getting out there in the world. xo, bb

Margie said...

Dearest Mim, your mail art it fantastic! How come I didn't see it last time I checked in on your blog? hmmm. Maybe I checked one of your other sites! I so enjoyed receiving your handwritten missive while you were on the train and loved hearing about your family. It will be a bit until I can actually write legibly to you, but know I think of you often. You are one neat, creative, chick! May you and yours have many joyful moments in 2011. XO, Margie

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...