Saturday, January 15, 2011

Big Old Cars (#46 series)

"move them here"
 I found more big, old American cars in my large tin. What a find. I used old (1970s) U.S. and Canada road maps for the background. For some reason, I thought these called for a contrast in transportation.
"move them there"

I made myself laugh using these two images that I had of the same event. I knew that I had to put these guys to work pushing people around. Notice that "sledge" has NO wheels. What the heck! And all the while, a very large auto is looming in the background.
"from Coldstream to Pinch Creek"

 Large American car, tiny oxen cart. Let's see, which one will be most effected by the higher price of fossil fuel. Hmmm.

There really is a place with this name in New Mexico, USA. See it there on the map?
"Truth of Consequence"


Paula said...

At $3.05 a gallon, you can keep your big old cars! LOL!

VioletSky said...

at #1.15 a litre there isn't much room in my life for these old cars on the road, but I'm always glad to see them at car shows!.

the cards look great.

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...