Sunday, October 30, 2011

The weekend and lots of mail art

 This afternoon, we took a walk to drop mail in the box for early pick up tomorrow, and then walked over to our friends' to drop off stuff they'd left at our house. We stopped to chat with a neighbor who has a small garden in front of her house and she gave us some hot peppers. The orange ones are very hot, she warned. I gave one to John, one to our son, and kept one. That's about all the heat I'll need.
 At our friends' house. We were chatting, when I suddenly notice that there was a critter asleep on the couch in the kitchen. He didn't stir even though there were four of us talking. I think there'd been some Saturday night Halloween festivities.
 Our neighbor gave us this bottle of Glühwien made in Nurnburg.  He'd bought several bottles for our outdoor dance party that didn't happen on Saturday night. It was too cold to be outside and we had to cancel. Boo Hoo.  I can't wait to try this, as it'll bring back memories of Brussels, where we went late one November and got to see the holiday markets and light shows.
 This was the weekend for squares and circles. I decided to create designs based on my own 2D design course, which finished up last week.
 Saturday was all about squares.
 Check out how the circles change up the spatial quality depending on their value.
 I used my neighbors maths book for titles for these compositions.
 Here comes Sunday, all about circles.
 It's so interesting to me how simple placement changes the energy and direction that we follow.
 This composition was random. I dropped the circles on the paper and glued them where they landed.
This is another of the random compositions. They really work for me.
Which do you prefer, squares or circles? Why? This is not a test. ha ha ha


chris said...

I liked circles -maybe you could develop something like the inkblot test with your circles & squares - it may reveal a lot about personalities. Love the tail on the guy on the couch.

Sandra @Alchemy(Art-Memories) said...

Loving your squares and circles compositions! Cool Energy.

phonelady said...

Sorry it was so cold out you missed Boo Hoo . i used to enjoy going to things like that but now that I have to tote oxygen everywhere it is just like why bother . Now i have missed going to the zoo (cincinatti zoo ) as well because of illness . So now it will be April of 2012 before i get there . oh well I love the circles and squares themes as well .

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...