Saturday, November 12, 2011

The project, the park, & mail art

 This is how I'm moving along with my art-o-mat project. I've laid down the color bases of sky, clouds, land. Tomorrow, I'll start refining. This will work!
 The leaves are changing color and it's so beautiful to walk in the park, or just in my neighborhood. Today, I took my shopping cart and walked to the post office, market. tea shop, and library. It was about a 2 + mile walk ,which is what I do in the park. I met up with neighbors and friends on the walk, which was a lot of fun.
 Friday's mail art was made up of pieces from the scrap box. I kept to my limitation of 4 pieces per card.
 I like the way these turned out and will probably do more of them during these last few days of the project.
 Because I discovered I had these big heads, it was time for more Tiny Town.
I just love how the big people change up the feeling of the town and truly give it the feeling of a Tiny Town. I amuse myself easily don't I?


phonelady said...

Love it and yes it is nice to get out and look at all the leaves and color.

VioletSky said...

I was going through my postcards to get them in some kind of order and I realized that I hadn't been here to see your works in progress for a long time. So am taking a tea break while I drift back...

Margie said...

Holy smoke, what a project! Go Mim!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...