Monday, November 14, 2011

my travel kit, revamped and mail art

 I'm taking a brief trip, so revamped my travel kit to only a few items, and the pre-stamped, pre-addressed postcard blanks. Hopefully, I'll find fun scraps to use for the design.
 Tiny Town had some visitors actually step into the street. The residents were fearful that this little girl might not mind her feet.
 This Irish dancer was quite careful and mindful, so the residents enjoyed the dance.
This page is from a 1965 McCall's magazine. The girl scout outfit is the same one I wore, several years earlier I must admit in the name of honest disclosure. I always liked paper dolls and would even make my own.  Did you ever make them?


phonelady said...

I remember besty mccall from mccalls magazine and I also did my own paper dolls . I loved the story that came with betsy mccall too . said...

I wish you sent me that photo for the Call for Entries for Mail Art TravelKit on my blog!

Margie said...

I used to love paper dolls when I was a little girl. Have a good trip Mim.

Cottage and Broome said...

That is what my girl scout uniform looked like! Laura P

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...