Tuesday, June 07, 2011

The Mail Art 189 series and more

"How cute," thought Sally, seeing the Tiny Town men & dogs playing.
 I decided that today was definitely a day to alter a number of cards. They just crack me up, and I'm making them. How fun to make oneself laugh.

I put some funny captions on them, too.
"Here, little pig, here's the trough," Nancy said.

"Helga & Gerda thought the men looked so dashing on horseback."
"Who's old stone face," Jed whispered to Seth.

 This is my experiment for what I plan to do for the asemic art book pieces. I'm going to have 8 of these collages, oh the fun gluing them down. Jdrn gave me some ideas for how to do that, I'll experiment with them to see what works best. Anyway, I'm happy with the way this is going. You'll see more as I complete them for the project, which is due the end of July.
 Spotted the flowers on this small hosta plant this morning. Really pretty looking. Another, smaller hosta, looks like it'll bloom in a few days.
The duck thermometer bobs along by the 4 ft/1.27m marker. The temperature was 80F/26C this morning, but I needed that to help with my foot. 
The little toe is so swollen and bruising up my foot. Waaa. Shoe wearing not so good, even my thong ones have a band across the top where there's bruising. But it's only a TOE!! It'll be fine soon and I can walk wobbly for awhile.
Isn't the rubber duck cute with it's sunglasses? He/she was stuck in one of the drains the other day and we had to rescue him/her.


phonelady said...

I just love your altered postcards and love the little duck in your pool . we must hear more about the duck . You should be getting a letter from me soon .

Margie said...

These are great fun and I love mine!!! What a special piece to come home to. I can't believe how you altered it. Had to look hard to see how you attached the arms. Awesome my friend! How's your toe??? That hurts like a mother for sure. Don't blame you for not wanting to look at it! Put it in the cold pool water!!! Hugs!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...