Saturday, September 24, 2011

Embroidery, Mail Art, and more

 Yesterday, a group of us from my Spanish Meet-up went to see an exhibit of embroidered works from Peru. They were quite wonderful. It was really interesting to see how the makers created movement and shading. I really liked the ones using the natural fibers for the colors.
 Does this remind you of Swiss cheese? Several people thought it did. I like that my Mail Art can "say" different things to different people.
 I had a lot of faces from some advert from the 1960s. The circle is punched out of a current advert for a printing service. I think the expressions on the faces leaves this one open to lots of titles. Got a good one?
 We went off to see an exhibit at a gallery across the river this morning and on the way over there, we passed by this tiny hot dog restaurant, City Dogs. We found a parking place, which is rare in that neighborhood and went in. My honey had been wanting to try the place for awhile. He ordered a Chicago Style hot dog and he said it was pretty reminiscent of the ones he'd eaten in Chicago. I wasn't hungry so I munched on a few of his French fries, which were good, and drank some sweet iced tea. Oh yes, I've gone southern!! (turns out that they have another one in our neighborhood, but we'd never noticed it!)
I came across this drawing that Nate had delivered to me awhile back. I took a really good look at it this time, and wow, check out the characters in the vehicle. Animal heads and people legs. And is that an alligator on a leash? And someone descending (or ascending) from a star? So delightful.

By the way, I just posted a recipe for a dip that I just made. Check it out HERE.


Margie said...

Yes it looks like Swiss cheese. Glad you are your busy, creative self my friend. Hugs!

phonelady said...

I love chicago dogs oh my yes I do . I was thinking about making chicago dogs for supper LOL !!!This is twilight zone matierial LOL !!!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...