The other day, it was gray and threatening to rain, but my forsythia gave me a bright yellow burst of sunshine. The yard is still gravel/sand (not snow there.) When we return from our trip, the forsythia will be green, so I was glad I could capture this.
Bon Voyage, this is card #104 and it may be the last card I can post until I return. I'll be making Mail Art daily, taking photos of said M.A., but posting to the blogs may not happen. Hopefully, posting to the mail boxes will take place. This card is getting mailed to someone special in the U.S.
This is my Mail Art Kit. There's a stack of prepared blanks, the yellow book is where I record who got what number card, the "Keep this Coupon" notebook has addresses in it, there a piece of sandpaper (never know when you want to sand something,) and the blue card with the gal in a red sweater, is an old Italian phone card that I use as a burnisher. Colored pencils are from Muji and I've got nice Sakura permanent black fine point pens, as well, as a Sharpie. I have 2 Uhu glue sticks and Tombow double stick tape. I'm also taking some black paper to use a background if needed. Other than that, it's found paper, or drawings, or tea or wine stains (Boo's idea)
Let the adventure begin. We leave tomorrow, 5 p.m. ish out of Richmond, VA, USA.
(My latest plan, Mica's idea, is to see about buying a phone that I can use and buy time on while abroad. Maybe there's one in London that'll work in Turkey and France. )
Could happen. See how anxious I am about not being connected? Have you been away for a long time without a phone or computer? How did it go for you? Why am I asking you these questions now when I may not even be able to read them? So long for awhile. I'll miss you.
(ps It's Monday, 14 March, 0:43 - I have no idea why the date and time are incorrect.)
Personally I think not being connected is a good thing - you really get away and think your thoughts without any distractions other than the wonderful distraction from traveling and adventure.
Fun to see your mailart kit.
Now go and have a fabulous time.
Oh Mim, have a grand trip. You will be missed. Can't wait to hear all about your adventures upon your return. Xo
Hi Mim, I wish you a great trip!!!! Be safe and have lot's of fun, new experiences, adventures.
Looking forward to hear from your trip!
Smiles, Anke ;)
I stopped by your blog today. Happy travels.
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