Sunday, March 13, 2011

#103 and 103a and travel update

We're ready, or just about, for our trip. We're leaving tomorrow afternoon, so travel is on my mind, which is the title for these pieces of Mail Art. They aren't going to travel far, they'll stay in the USA, while I head off across the Atlantic.
The photos were sent to me by a member of my union (IUOMA) and they fit perfectly with my old Piedmont Airline stubs.

I though Piedmont was one of the many defunct airlines, like Pan Am and TWA, but no, it still exists, as USAirways. These stubs, however, are from the 1960s, I think.  The old maps are travel times in terms of steam ships. It took 5 to 7 days from New York to Southampton. It will only take us 6 to 7 hours. I'm really glad about the time difference.

Okay, I'll post one more time, tomorrow, with my last piece of mail art at home.

And yes, we're packed except for my mail art kit. I'll take a photo of what I'm packing for you to see.

1 comment: said...

Oh yes, Mim--take a photo of your mailart kit. I want to see. And--have a wonderful trip (I know you will you). Bon Voyage--Pamela

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...