Thursday, May 24, 2012

Some Mail Art and more


 This collage arrived at it's destination in 2 parts - the front with the collage, and the back with the address by itself. Woah!! I guess I didn't glue the address part on securely enough but fortunately it fell apart in the mail carrier's pack and both parts got delivered.. Whew! I must be more mindful about this.

This card was sent to a woman for her 90th birthday.  She's the mom of one of my mail art buddies.
 Market basket from this week was exciting as pickling cucumbers were available. I really like those. We also got asparagus in the fruit share, which was lots of strawberries and some veggies this time. I rolled the asparagus in olive oil, dusted some sea salt on them, and grilled them. YUM!
 My friend Kat in Greece, passed this along to me. She did the "BLUE" part, Dean did the bar codes, and I added the dots. It's being sent back to the original sender after having been to Greece, France and Richmond, VA. A nice little project. The originator will wear it and post a photo of it. It'll be fun to see all the masks that get returned.
 This is the milk bottle building that used to be - guess what? Yes, a dairy. Now it's condos/apartments as are the two building beyond it in this photo. All were commercial buildings, of course. They're a little over 2 miles from our house.
 I was at the Science Museum of Virginia the other day and took this photo of one of the stair wells. I really like all of the lines and the view of the sky and trees beyond. I still remember this place as a train station. When we first moved here, we waited for a friend to arrive and thought how grand this building was. It still is and has been re-purposed beautifully.
My honey had given a talk about his collage exhibit, which is in the cafe at the museum and then we saw an exhibit of work by Chris Jordan. He does these amazing photos of objects that relate to statistics and consumerism.  This skull has to do with deaths by cigarette smoking and is made up of lots of cigarette packages. Amazing.


uncustomary said...

Love that milk bottle building!! So good. :-) PS - message me when your birthday is!

Anonymous said...

it'd be fun to live in the milk bottle! On the way to my father's home town of Belvidere, Illinois, we used to see a converted silo (a "residence.") Imagine what that would be like, living in there? Is it one gigantic, circular staircase with tiny rooms off to the side? Seems to me, I remember seeing *curtains* on one of the windows. Doesn't the thought of a silo house make you laugh? xo, bb lee kos

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...