Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Brrrr - snow, old stuff and mail art

 Last night, we noticed that the water wasn't getting hot, hmmm, and then noticed the room was somewhat colder. We felt the radiators and they were COLD! With the temperature going down to -9C, we were thinking we'd need that second blanket. I called the reception, and barely got out "Bonsoir, Monsieur Le Guardien" when he rattled off in French that they knew about the heat and the repair people were on their way. I guess he'd been getting a lot of calls! In any case, before too long we had heat. When I awoke at 7, I looked out the window and saw this. More snow!
 Here's the scene at 9 a.m. You can see that lots of people have walked past our place. And now at 11 a.m. the snow sweeping machine has been by and swept the top sidewalk clear of snow, the streets having been cleared earlier. It's 21F/-6C. brrrr. But we will go out this afternoon. We're thinking maybe the Gobelins factory, which has a display of contemporary tapestries.
 Here's what we bought at the brocante on Saturday. 2 old almanacs and an old diary. They are very interesting.
 Here's a page from one of the almanacs. The best birds to have as pets.
 This is a page in the little diary. Notice the date - yes, that's right, 1896!! Old penmanship is hard to read; I can make out a bit of what this says. It's about buying plants!

 And here's a close up of the lovely yellow lilies that Zoya brought us the other night when she came for dinner. It's like a bit of sunshine!
 Here's the series of photopostcard alterations that I've done. Anne thinks that I shouldn't mail them out; that I should keep them and do an exhibit. I'm a bit squeamish about that because of using another artist's work as the base.
 Altered with three pieces.

Altered with three pieces.  You can see that I've given myself limitations of only three items to be added. I like setting parameters.

If you missed seeing the work I did for an entire year, during my 365MailArt project, you can go to the set on Flickr, here.

1 comment:

Margie said...

Played catch up on your posts. Always lovely time spent. Xx

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...