Thursday, April 18, 2013

VMFA & Mail Art

I'm back to fabric and circles. I really like the way these two pieces of Mail Art turned out. They have such a feeling of other-worldly landscape to them.

 This little charmer in the sailor suit is a painting of a king of England as a child. Can't find the piece of magazine page that I cut it out of so that I could find out who he is. I like him so much that I didn't want to alter him at all, so, I just added the window behind him.

I'm think happiest with my work when I use only a couple or three objects in the composition.

I was sort of happy with just the portion of the frame and the figure, just 2 things, but then decided to add a stack of random text. Not sure if that works or not, but it's done. Maybe it looks like the guy is trying to make sense of art?

This is Robinson House.
I went to my Spanish book club meeting at VMFA this afternoon and, as usual, I was taken by the beauty of this building, which is adjacent to the new entrance to the museum. Many years ago, the studio school was housed in this building and I taught drawing there. It was a hospital in the civil war, then a home for veterans. I'm happy that it wasn't torn down. There is something so lovely to me about the simplicity, the symmetry, and the proportions of the building. Do you have a building that attracts you?

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How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...