Wednesday, January 20, 2010

about a scary night

So last Saturday, I was helping mom get ready for bed, when she felt faint and weak on her left side. She was very frightened, of course, We called emergency and had her taken to the emergency room of the hospital,which is very close to where she lives. My sister and I spent Saturday night and Sunday morning in the ER. Mom was admitted at 4 a.m. finally and my sister and I went back to her place and were so hungry that we ate part of the noodle pudding (kugel) that I'd made for mom's Sunday celebration. We were so tired! Mom only stayed over night. We brought her home in time for her celebration. Yay! This is a photo of a tree by the hospital parking area and a view of the mountains from her room. Here is the kugel, and the recipe is here. Mom is now back to making covers for pillows. These are two that she made while I've been here. I crocheted the parts together for her. In the background is one of the many afghans she made, but now can't remember how to do the pattern. She made one for pratically everyone in the family. They are our treasures, next to mom herself!

1 comment:

VioletSky said...

Am glad that your Mom is fine - and back to her knitting! Belated birthday wished to her.

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...