Here's Mail Art that I received from Erni in Germany. I like the big "S."
#291 |
#141 |
I'm happy when I can integrate the painting into the landscape. I feel very good about this one. I don't have a title for it yet, in fact, I have to sit down and write titles for a bunch of them. And I have to send them out to people. I'm lax with that this 365.
If you aren't already on my Mail Art mailing list, and want to receive Mail Art from me, send me your postal address.
Here's Bizoo last night having a fabulous time with a paper bag. I'd gone to
bbgb,our super fine children's book store, to buy some books and they came home in this bag. What a perfect treat for Bizoo.
This made me laugh. The bag would alternately open and close on him. So fun. I'd forgotten how fun kittens are.
(What I'm not sharing is how cute our grand is, that's private for now, trust me, she's luscious.)
Here's a mystery! I receive this card, which I forwarded to this years Skull Appreciation Day 2013 exhibit. I have no idea who sent it, but it's really fine. There's a skull on the reverse, too, and it was sent from the U.S. I can't read the cancellation marks very well. Thanks to whoever sent it. It'll be in the exhibit in Chicago. Also, it's not to late to enter. Information