Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pens and letter writing.

I'm inspired to show you some of my fountain pens because I've been reading the Missive Maven's blog - here, and some pen related blogs - here & here. I found Missive Maven through a comment she made on the Letter Writers Alliance site. It's all linked together! Since finding M.M., I've written to her and received mail in return, and have been compelled to find and clean my pens and start to use them again. I'm not completely forsaking my Uni-ball Vision Elite, however.

In the photo, you see two of my Waterman Phileas pens on the left. One was chosen by my colleague Rebecca, many years ago. I love the way these pens write. The middle three are student pens which I picked up in Paris. The students there still use fountain pens, how cool is this?! The slim green one is an Elysees, which was one of the first pens that C bought for me. It needs to see a pen doctor. The one on the right is a Sheaffer pen (looks like the Legacy Heritage!) that I love, because it reminds me of my father who owned one of these in the 50s (possibly the same color.) It writes very nicely and I like the way the point is part of the barrel of the pen. I have several other pens that I'll post soon, including the gorgeous Parker 51, which C dug out of his trove and I will start to use as soon as I get some ink for it. Waterman black is recommended but I have that Sheaffer blue-black that is so classic. The purple circle is the top of a tiny tin that holds 6 small cartridges of purple ink from J. Herbin. I got it in Paris and haven't used any yet.

Even if you don't have a fountain pen, write a letter! Buy a neat looking stamp and surprise someone with a handwritten note! You'll make their day.


Juli said...

Great post Mim! I'm fountainpenless. *gasp* Thanks for the links, which have been RSS'd.

Beanie Mouse said...

Ooooh, I want to dig out my Italian nib pens now.....

Elwood H. Smith said...

Hi, Mim, thanks for the pen info. Maggie (Chuck's classmate "59) sent me this link. I rarely write letters, but a fountain pen is my most valued and trusted friend. I have used a Pelikan 120 for many years now for my illustration assignments. If you're interested, here's a link to my blog, where I discuss the Pelikan and my quest for a flowing India ink to replace the once-great FW ink.


Best Wishes,
-Elwood Smith

Anne said...

I ALWAYS use fountain pens. They make me feel good.

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...