Monday, August 18, 2008

KootSacs, cool sacs!

I got some really cool nylon sacs to use for bulk food at the market. I'm so excited about using these that I just had to share them with you. I found them on Etsy at KootSac.
I used a large one for a couple ears of corn, the red one has an "oriental snack mix" in it, the yellow one is candied ginger, and the little purple one has crushed red pepper in it. When you get your goodies home, you transfer them to containers, then rinse out your sacs and hang to dry. I tie them off with rubber bands and write the item code on my shopping list - for example: red bag 20184, and I give the check-out clerk the code. It works well, though a twist tie works, too, I just didn't want to bring any of those home with me. SO, be more colorful when you shop while using less plastic. Yay! Thanks, Morgan!


Unknown said...

Thanks Mim for taking the time to share this with your readers. It's so fun to see my Kootsac bags in use. (They do dry very quickly don't they). Your enthusiasm for using these instead of plastic is just awesome!

Juli said...

Thanks for pointing this out!! I've added them to my etsy faves. :)

Unknown said...

Neat! I'll bet the checkout clerks will roll with it. They seem to take it in stride the way more people have their own bags for the rest of the groceries these days. Maybe it would be easier if you do the self checkout.

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...