Monday, July 16, 2007

Elflog and a rose.

I just had to post the rose image. My friend Jan gave it to me for my birthday. Noah was trying out his new camera and took this beautful photo. Speaking of Noah, check out his new blog, Skull a Day. It's so fun! It's as fun as checking the shelf each day. I was really happy to see that someone had taken one of my word stones and attached a red ribbon to it. A small lizard appeared. Jan asked if I thought she should write an article about the shelf for a local magazine, but I'm afraid that it'll call attention to it and the "light pole people," will take it down. What do you think? Should we open this up?

1 comment:

JB said...

I am afraid what the city would do yo it - it might be some kind of violation - they are so crazy!

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...