Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Teeny collages

In preparation for making collages for the Art-o-mat project, I decided to fill a teeny book with collages. It's been a great travel project, especially since I've been using the UHU tape roller adhesive. Notice how it all fits in a tin. Okay, here it comes, the unabashed plug for this product. I love how convenient and easy it is to work with. I still use the UHU glue stick but the roll-on is becoming my tool of choice, especially when I'm on the road (or in the air.) Check out the UHU Blog. Make something!

1 comment:

jmw said...

Your blog is fantastic... am enjoying it very much. Do you have any other sites representing you and your work? I am the artist coordinator for the and and would like to invite you to exhibit at this year's Moss Rock Festival, November 3 & 4. Deadlines are July 15 & 31. Please send me your contact inforamtion (at least email address) to, and I will send you an official invitation. Thank you, Jess Marie Walker

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...