Saturday, May 14, 2016

The usual stuff and some funny stuff


 Here's a series of table scraps cards with circles.
 Our grand-girl added color and put some googly eyes on a fashion model in W magazine. it tickled me SO much. I took a close up photo of the face. and then made this triple portrait. So silly and funny. I laugh every time I look at it. What do you think?
Googly eyes

triple portrait with googly eyes

my car
On Friday, I drove over to the museum to attend Zona española and parked between two behemoths. I looked back at my car and was astounded at how tiny my car looked. I had to snap this photo. Doesn't it look like a toy car?

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How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...