Thursday, January 02, 2014

Fish's Eddy and my Real Wall

 We went to Fish's Eddy when we were last in NYC. Today being a gloomy gray rainy day, color seemed to be needed.

Aren't these tiny bowls adorable? So colorful and cute. Why didn't I buy a bunch of them?

Here's my Real Wall, as opposed to my Facebook Wall.
I replaced the in-coming Mail Art on display in my studio with new work. 16 artists from a bunch of countries are here. Let's see: Greece, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the U.S. 

Here's a herd of cow pitchers from Fish's Eddy. Don't you think it would have been fun for me to have a little herd of them?

Oh, and these cute little pitchers in fun colors. Why didn't I get half a dozen of these?
And the piece de resistance - & I did resist - Rooster egg cups. Love these. I've never used an egg cup in my life. But don't you think I could have used them for something? They're sooo cute.

If you're in NYC, go to Fish's Eddy and buy yourself something cute!


Margie said...

I too would have been inclined to purchase such cute goods!

Sue said...

Oh gee, I would totally love that place.

How did I get into this?

I was asked when I started doing Mailart. Good question. Like many artists, I was making and mailing art without even knowing it had a name ...