A Bauhaus postage stamp that I gleaned from the internet and like a lot.
A brass buddha hand that I saw in a shop that no longer is in business. I wish I'd bought this hand. I need calming images and things around me.
The cover of the book that my offspring will have published this coming spring. I think it'll come out around the time of the next on-line challenge. It can be
pre-ordered on Amazon and I've already ordered two for myself. Why I need two, I'm not sure, Guess I'll gift someone with it, or make it a prize for something. Who knows. I was excited so I ordered two. You know how that goes.
I recently came across this old photo of me. We were in Copenhagen in March of 1967. We'd just gone through a religious wedding ceremony for our parents where they lived, after having a civil ceremony months before where we lived. It was cold in Denmark. My cheeks were rosy all the time. And check out the travel costume! A dress, stockings, high heeled shoes. Oh dear!
A friend of my sister's sent her this photo of a painting of mine that she somehow had. I'd painted it in the early 1960s, while still a student. I barely remember it, though I do remember painting a series of heads and I do remember that yellow ochre oil paint was a favorite of mine.
Here are some mitts that I made awhile ago, and sold. It's knitting time again and I'll be participating in a pop-up gift shop again at my friend Keithley's. She's the owner/maker of
Bad Girl Art and has an annual shop in her home. She invites a bunch of us to join her and sell our wares. We bring beverages and food and customers can eat, drink and shop. It's a lot of fun. This year, it's December 9 in the evening and December 10, all day. If you're in or near Richmond, VA, come visit us.
and another peaceful image. I took this in Paris in 2012, I think. It's one of my favorite images. It's calming and romantic and holds such memories. The really fun thing is that I'm planning our anniversary trip to Paris for early 2017. It'll be 5 years since we've been there.
Meanwhile, I'm still struggling with my new Chrome Book. I don't know how to get all my photos onto Google Photos. Some get on there and some don't. puzzling. AND my iPhone won't let me take anymore photos!! And I only have 270 images showing up on that device. Puzzling, it's all so puzzling!!
Have a good week.