I received a new batch of old postcards from B & R on Friday. They give me new views to alter.
I started to put photos on Instagram and began with plant and flower photos. We have these growing in our front rock garden and I love how alien they look close up.
Last night, as the sun was setting, I suggested that we drive over to Fountain lake instead of going directly home from The League of Space Pirates live streaming event. This was what we saw. We stayed, sitting on a bench until it was dark. There were lots of other people enjoying the sight/site. Notice the duck, which was doing a solo tour of the lake.
This is a view of the walkway at VMFA that captured me last Friday. There was something so captivating about it - the light, the trio of trees at the top, the curve of the rail, the pale clouds. I really liked it.
Bizoo photo by Chuck Scalin |
Bizoo is very, very fond of a large zipper plastic bag. The kind that one stores a blanket in, or a sweater. He goes into it and turns around to face the opening. Maybe he thinks he's hidden when he's in it? I keep it in my closet and bring it out for him to have a bit of play time with it.

Do you have any clothes from when you were a baby? Nice this didn't go out of "style."