It's been a very jam packed week....I guess, because I haven't had time to post an entry, which is so not like me! While walking my dog this morning, I found a little pony

in the dirt, it was very tattered but when I picked it up and placed it on a wall, it looked very perky. I hope it has a little more "life" left in it.
My yard looks so nice these days, even though the snails are eating the flowers that Chuck bought. He put several pots o

n the bench in hopes that the snails, or whatever is chomping away on the plants, won't find them. They looked really nice sitting there.
After getting the dog back home, I walked over to the coffee shop at the Science Museum, which is close to my house, for a Spanish conversation MeetUp. What fun. There were 5 of us, we laughed a lot and actually did speak Spanish with each other. Muy divertido! The flower arrangement

was on the table where we were sitting on very comfortable couches. I can't wait for the next MeetUp. THEN, in the afternoon, I went to shop for something to wear to a special event in Chicago next month. The clerk spoke with accented English and I took a guess and said "¿de donde eres?" She was from Buenos Aires....and I spoke mainly in Spanish with her, admittedly she had to help me out a bit; but I did pretty good! A very español day!