On the downstairs "shelf" -- How to learn any language (farber), The Plot (will eisner), Guns, Germs, and Steel (diamond), Total Freedom (krishnamurti), The Code of the Woosters (p.g. wodehouse), Henderson the rain king (saul bellow), Cabinet magazine (issue#18), Mother jones (may/june 2006), Ode (july/aug 2006), Italian dictionary, Nouvelles en Francais, vol. 1,2,& 3 of Words in a French life (kristen espinasse)
On the upstairs "shelf" -- The art of the personal essay (lopate) There is no zoo in zoologly (elster), Dictionary of word origins, A word a day (garg), Another word a day, When presidents lie (alterman,) Italian short stories, Kabbalah 365, Steal this book (abbie hoffman), Zeek (fall/winter 2003), The 20th century (wallechinsky), A man without a country (vonnegut), Italian days (barbara grizzuti harrison)