#33 |
#34 |
#35 |
#36 |
Here #33 through 35 are more of the table scraps pieces. The scraps are the left over bits after I cut things out. I really like the way they turn out. Oh, I'd better get busy cutting out more things as I have no more scraps to use.
#37 |
New Mitts |
#36 and #37 are alterations of more of our friend Keith Long's exhibit cards. I saved them from many years ago and glad that I did. I have such fun with them. So far, the response I've gotten from him is good. Whew!
I'm still knitting, though I have no local sales locations, at the moment. I'm almost thinking of stocking my Etsy shop again. I stopped because there are so many similar products out there and the competition is strong, and I can't compete price-wise with commercial work from other places, if you know what I mean. Meanwhile, I love good yarn. These are made from a Merino wool.
Lunch meeting |
Just for fun, here's a photo of something our grand girl left behind after a visit. She plays with salt & pepper shakers that I keep just for her. What's going on here? She surely had a story to go with this set-up. Got a story about this for us? Let me know.